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03 July, 2024

UK GENERAL ELECTION POLLING - WEEK 6 (27 June-03 July, Final Week)

 Week 6 polling

My own personal prediction - based on movements of the last few days, is:-

Lab 432 seats (38%)
Con 90 seats (23%)
LDem 67 seats (11.0%)
Rfm 9 seats (17.0%)
Grn 3 seats
SNP   26 seats
Plaid 3 seats
Oth 1 seat (Gaza)
NI 18 seats
Spkr 1 seat

Labour Majority 231.

I will also publish the exit polls as they are released when the polls close tomorrow along with their seat projection.


Con    131
Lab     410
LDem   61
Rfm      13
SNP     10
PC          4
Grn         2
NI         18
Spkr       1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My prediction
Tory 24% 107
Labour 37% 427
Reform 17% 9
Green 4% 3
Libdem 10.7 % 66
SNP. 2.7%. 14
Plaid. 0.7%. 3
Other 0.7% 2
Labour majority 204
The most interesting thing turnout I’ll go 60% but the having photo ID thing may affect it

Ps Gaza ,lol

John P Reid