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27 June, 2024


 Week 5 Polling

The final week - Week 6's polling, will be published during the evening of next wednesday.  The following morning the polls open.

The turn-out looks like it will be very low, possibly below 60%.  If that turns out to be the case,  Starmer will win a colossal majority on a lower weight of total votes of any Labour leader in the last 50 years or more including Michael Foot and Jeremy Corbyn's second effort.     The Tories appear to be going to be hit by a large defection to Reform (two thirds to three quarters of Reform voters were tories in 2019) and a huge 'stay at home' bloc.   For Starmer the reality is he is looking likely to win despite getting a low vote and their being no real appetite for either him or his party, which means the ever-fickle British public will turn on him fairly early on in his tenure.

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