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20 June, 2024


 Week 4 polling.


Anonymous said...

John p Reid here

Are you gonna make a prediction will they polls narrow or other parties go up
I’m going for
23.9% tory. 143
38.4 %Labour. 410
10.2 %Libdem. 46
15.3 %reform. 3
5.1 % green. 2

An Eye On... said...

Hi John, I think Reform will now overtke the tories permanently for this election following the betting scandal. Quite how it will translate into seats I have no idea but if Reform come second on weight of vote but end up with fewer seats than Tories, LDem, SNP & Plaid, the public will be outraged.

I will make a prediction in the final week - it's a long way to go yet and this last fortnight s when the press always start releasing the scandal stories.

I see researchers are predicting a turn-out of 50%-55%.