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01 October, 2024


Austria held it's 2024 Legislative Elections to elect the 28th National Council (the lower house of Austria's parliament.)

The election saw the populist-Right party - FPO take first place with 28.9% of the vote.  In second place were the centre-Right OVP with 26.3% of the vote, and the centre-Left SPO taking third slot with 21.2%.    Minority parties took the remainder of the vote.

The turnout was a very very healthy 77.3%.

Detailed tabulation:-

The shape of the new Lower House is as follows:-

The result was expected however the scale of growth by FPO wasn't.  Polling right up until polls closed had them in the lead, but at around 2.5% lower than where they finished.   The final result broadly illustrates the growing impact of the populist-Right right across Europe as more and more of the population turns away from conventional politics and especially politicians who can't - or usually won't, deal with issues ordinary people are annoyed about such as immigration, 'woke' politics etc etc.

FPO get first chance of trying to form a government by virtue of the fact that they are the largest party however their election campaign - which was formulated around re-introducing full frontier controls even for EU citizens,  severely restricting freedom of movement,  returning all asylum seekers and refugees including those from Ukraine and refusing to accept any more, ending military support for Ukraine and expelling all immigrants who - after 12 months, have not assimilated fully into western liberal life,  may prove difficult for other parties - such as OVP, to accept.   The history of FPO will also 'count' against them - their first 2 leaders in the 1950's were former Waffen SS officers.

The only other viable coalition is OVP & SPO, but in simple UK terms,  that would be a formal coalition between the Tories and Labour to keep Reform out and is simply not a viable option.   Like France - which still hasn't got a formal government, it will probably take months to sort out.

Herbert Kickl - Head of FPO, thanking voters

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